About Us

Welcome to the website.
Otaku Wizard is an attempt to deliver high quality and interesting content about technology and the role it plays in our world.

“Otaku” is a Japanese word for a person obsessed with computers or some specific aspect of culture, technology etc. This comes at the expense of their social skills.

“Wizard” has recently emerged as the western equivalent of Otaku, thanks to the culture of memes and image-boards. At the same time, it also refers to a learned person, ironically or unironically.

We live in an era dominated by cutting edge technology. The things which were once written off as sci-fi, or even magic in folklore now seem possible. Subsequently, the word “Wizard” has found popularity in the technical community to honor somebody’s achievements too.

This blog is dedicated to the spirit of pursuing this kind of wizardhood. You will find articles about a wide variety of topics across various fields. This is not only limited to informative articles but even opinions, tutorials, cultural outlooks etc.

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