Change of course and Toilet paper chan

Hi readers! Thank you for coming to this blog. This was originally supposed to be a generic technology and AI blog. However, I have decided to change the direction of things. I will keep posting technology and AI related things. But the main focus will now be game development.
In the terms of “The Lean Startup” this a pivot. *wink wink*. Instead of generic articles about generic topics you can expect to see more specific posts narrating my personal experiences of working with various technologies, short tutorials, tips and so on.
Recent events
Lately, the world has come to an halt and everything has changed. From the way we work to the way we look at social gatherings. Yes. I am talking about this ongoing pandemic and lockdowns. However, something interesting has also happened amid all this chaos.
Meme gijinkas and personifications
Gijinka is the Japanese word for anthropomorphic drawings. In English, it specifically refers to characters that have been redrawn as humans in anime style. The English speaking meme community has taken up on this trend often. Some of the controversial ones are Ebola chan and Corona chan.
Ebola chan
Ebola chan is, as you would guess, the personification of the Ebola virus and disease from 2014. She was popularized on 4chan and subsequently on other websites around the time cases of Ebola were increasing.

You can guess what the intention of creating her was from her place of origin. But let us not get into that.
Corona chan
Similarly, a recently popular trend along the same lines is “Corona chan”.
As you would guess, the personification of the Novel coronavirus.
Enter Toiletpaper chan!
Toilet paper chan is the antithesis to Corona chan. It has mainly to do with how toilet paper supplies ran low on many stores. People started hoarding them and panic buying when cases of the virus and its spread started to increase in late January 2020.
My idea: Flappy Toiletpaper chan
So, here is my idea, a game similar to Flappy bird but featuring Toilet paper chan!
Gameplay and ideas
Well, what gameplay and other ideas do you expect from a hypercasual game? But trust me, I did put some thought into this.
Gameplay enhancements
I considered the original flappybird game. It is fun and addictive. However, I found it too hard. I think that the overall difficulty can be lessened without damaging the fun aspect of the game with one simple tweak: Remove the top obstacles.
Further, It would be fun to actually “collect” something to add to the score rather than just pass through the game. So I put in collectibles.

Further additions
I had another idea of an additional feature of “shooting down” obstacles. This idea itself was inspired from a flappy Bowsette fangame from a Japanese website from 2018.
However, considering the circumstances, what would be the most appropriate weapon but the prized Sanitizer?

Further thoughts
I think it was a great learning experience and it’s my very first app. Made in HTML5 and JavaScript. Let’s see how it takes off from here. ^^
You can play the game here.